Real Estate Leasing for Companies
Note: the results are merely indicative and do not represent a guarantee for granting credit.
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Real Estate Leasing Imobiliário
Financing agreement through which the Credit Institution (lessor) cedes to the client (lessee) the use or exploration of a property, in exchange for the payment of a certain rent.
The financing may focus exclusively on the acquisition of the property, as well as include recovery and improvement works, or fully finance its construction according to the approved project presented.
At the end of the contract, the lessee may exercise the purchase option, upon payment of the Residual Value previously established (usually set between 2% and 10%). Until this amount is settled and the deed is duly executed, the property in practice belongs to the Lessor. The transmission of the property in the final phase of the contract, or by early termination of the contract, is not subject to IMT payment.
- Possibility of Financing up to 100% of the value of the real estate operation (deed), plus legal expenses (IMT + IS), as long as the amount of financing is adequate to the appraised value of the property according to the ratios defined by each Credit Institution;
- Amortization period of the financing with terms longer than those usually practiced in traditional MLP financing. Usually defined as a maximum period of 15 years, although subject to case-by-case decision by the Banks depending on the specific nature of the financing;
- Leasing operations are not subject to Stamp Tax and are free of VAT (possibility of waiving the requirement for exemption in a certain legal context as long as the respective requirements are met);
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